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Leaving an Everlasting Legacy

Mike Pate

I’m so grateful for those who have preceded us into God’s presence and left a lasting reminder and impact here on this earth. Thousand Pines exists because of people’s vision to create a ministry experience that would outlive them. I think about the very first two gentlemen, Dr. Catherwood and Mr. Arthur Gregory, who became close friends while serving on the board of the newly established Redlands University.

Dr. Catherwood was a local pastor who loved sharing the gospel (having been mentored by D.L. Moody, a wonderful preacher and evangelist), and Arthur Gregory who was a very successful local businessman. In 1938, Gregory caught Catherwood’s vision to establish a place where young people could experience God’s creation and hear the good news about Jesus presented in a clear and powerful setting.

Arthur Gregory had just the place. He donated the first acreage to the Southern California Baptist Association at the suggestion of Catherwood and that’s when Thousand Pines Christian Camp was born. The first camp was in the summer of 1939. Since then nearly 1 million campers have been able to see, know and experience the living God at this special place thanks to their vision and generosity.

What Legacy Could You Leave?

Many of us will transfer wealth to our families and those causes we care about at our passing. If you’ve never prepared a plan that both assists your children to manage an inheritance and also honors God in the way that leaves an everlasting legacy, we can help. Transformation Ministries and Thousand Pines have resources to assist you with the many variables involved with your estate planning. There is no obligation to you as this is a ministry offered to you personally, our camp supporters.

Want to know more? Contact and mention Thousand Pines for more information and dates of upcoming presentations and webinars, or contact me directly and I will be happy to personally assist you.

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