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TP Recreation


Tired of being indoors and staring at screens? Turn to the RECREATION PROS here at Thousand Pines and try some games with your family in the backyard or on your driveway! Post a video/photo of your time and share it with us by tagging @thousandpines or #thousandpines!

Want to get out of the house? Spend a weekend in the mountains with your family at Thousand Pines! NEW Personal Family Retreats are now available!

Game: Gold Rush

Type: Easy, indoor or outdoor


  • “Gold nuggets” - can be rocks or paper bags with amounts written on

  • A hideout place to stash your loot! A bucket, laundry basket, etc.

  • A designated “jail” location


  • Take the gold nuggets and hide them throughout the yard or even in your house.

  • Set up the jail location and the hideout spot to stash the loot.


  • Children try to collect as many gold nuggets as they can. The trick is that they can only carry one “load” back to their hideout at a time.

  • If they get tagged or caught by parents (the sheriff), they must head to the jail, where another parent/person (the jailer) makes them do a silly challenge before returning to the game. Only one adult? Looks like you’re the judge, jury, and... jailer!!

  • Set a time limit or a total number of bags, and the most loot WINS!

Wanna Step it up?

  • Get costumes out and decorate your hideout and jail!

Game: Sidewalk Twister

Type: Easy, outdoor, messy upgrade option!


  • Chalk (red, blue, green, and yellow)

  • A Twister® spinner


  • In straight lines, draw circles of each color to play on, mimicking a twister board.


  • Like standard twister, spin the wheel and call out what limb to put on different colors!

Wanna Step it up?

  • The messier, the better! Ready with a hose? Put ketchup on the red spots, mustard on the yellow, relish on the green, and blue dots means the caller throws some water balloons!!

Game: Minesweeper

Type: Easy, fun challenge, indoor or outdoor


  • Anything to lay on the ground to make a minefield “grid” on the floor (pillows, paper, overlapping ropes, or chalk some squares on the sidewalk!)


  • Lay out the grid

  • Write out a master way to cross the minefield (keep this secret!)


  • Players try to cross the minefield one at a time by stepping on the squares. They can move forward, side to side, backward, or diagonal to cross the field.

  • There is only one correct path across that the parents know. Once someone steps on a mine, they have to hop off; it is the next child’s turn to make it across.

Wanna Step it up?!

  • The bigger the grid, the harder it is to cross! Try making the path harder for your children to cross. Try putting some

Game: Water kickball

Type: 4 or more, outdoors only


  • A kickball

  • Sprinklers

  • Kiddie pools (3)

  • Slip-n-slide tarp


  • Make a baseball diamond using the kiddie pools for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base. Lay out a slip-n-slide from 3rd to home.

  • Set up the sprinkler near the slip-n-slide


  • Using standard kickball rules, players will have to splash into the bases to stay safe. They also get to slide into home base! 🌊💥

Wanna Step it up?!

  • Put dish soap ALL OVER!!!

  • Using more slip-n-slides or simple plastic sheet rolls with soap and water, place a slip-n-slide between each base and make everyone slide into EVERY base!

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