Join us in Helping Others See, Know, and Experience God!
Current Needs
Camper Impact
New Camper Bibles
Camper Scholarships
3 for $10
$150 ea
Operations and Facilities
New Grass Fields 30,000 sq ft
Loader Tractor
Work Truck
Road Repair 1000 cubic yards needed
2 New Backup Generators
Bunk Beds
$1/sq ft.
Commercial Espresso Machine:
Student Harnesses:
Sports Equipment:
(basketball, soccer ball, volleyball)
$35 ea
$25 ea
IT/Audio Visual
Worship Chapel Upgrades
New Apple Computers
Stage Lighting
$500-$1500 ea
Outdoor Education
Portable Planetarium
New Telescopes
$1,500 ea
Thousand Pines is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax-deductible including, cash, stock, equipment, materials, and even vehicles! Thank you so much for your support!
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Videos Updates
Special Offers
Thank you
Thank you for considering joining us in ministry at Thousand Pines!
We are continually humbled and amazed by the remarkable ways in which individuals like you meet our needs. Your support of our ministry gives you the opportunity to send a student to camp who may not be able to come otherwise, provide a more comfortable stay by funding a new cabin, or help the maintenance team by donating a vehicle.
We are always thankful for cash gifts to use where needed most, and we also have many gift-in-kind needs that will help us create the best possible experience at Thousand Pines. We depend on gifts from supporters like you for capital improvements to grow and maintain the camp.
Thousand Pines is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax-deductible, including cash, stock, equipment, materials, and even vehicles! Thank you so much for your support!
To donate to camp, click here.
For more details, give us a call at 909.338.2705!
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Monthly Newsletters
Videos Updates
Special Offers